Microsoft Fabric: Generating Reports with Copilot

Microsoft Fabric Generating Reports with Copilot on Fabric

In Nov 2023, Microsoft announced Microsoft Fabric’s general availability and Public Preview of Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. In a previous post, I explained what Copilot means to Power BI developers, which is valid for other Fabric developers such as data engineers and data scientists as Copilot for Fabric helps with those experiences as well. But the main focus of this blog post is to discuss the requirements, how to enable Copilot, and how to use it from a Power BI development point of view. So, this blog will not discuss other aspects of Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. With that, let’s begin.


Right off the bat, Copilot is only available on Power BI Premium capacities or their equivalent Fabric capacities. So, NO it is NOT available on Power BI Pro or Premium Per User or Power BI Embedded Analytics. So the Power BI items you want to use Copilot on must be in a Workspace assigned to a Power BI Premium P1 or Microsoft Fabric F64 capacities or higher.

You also need to have a Contributor role on the premium workspace.

To use Copilot, your Microsoft Fabric Administrator must enable it from the Fabric Admin Portal. This setting is not available in all regions yet, but Microsoft is gradually rolling it out to more regions.

Useful links:

Enabling Copilot on Fabric Admin Portal

As mentioned before, your Fabric Administrator must enable Copilot features within the Admin Portal. Follow these steps to enable Copilot on your tenant after logging into Microsoft Fabric:

  1. Click Settings (the gear icon on the top right of the page)
  2. Click Admin portal
  3. Ensure that the Tenant setting tab is selected
  4. Scroll all the way down to the Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service (preview)​ section


You can also use the search box and search for OpenAI to find the Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service (preview)​ section.

  1. Enable the Users can use a preview of Copilot and other features powered by Azure OpenAI
  2. Click the Apply button
  3. Enable the ​​​Data sent to Azure OpenAI can be processed outside your tenant’s geographic region, compliance boundary, or national cloud instance
  4. Click the Apply button again

That is it. You enabled the Copilot capabilities on your tenant.

The following image shows the preceding steps:

Enabling Copilot for Power BI in Fabric Service Admin Portal
Enabling Copilot in Fabric Admin Portal
Continue reading “Microsoft Fabric: Generating Reports with Copilot”

Integrating Power BI with AzureDevOps (Git), part 1: Cloud Integration

Power BI is a powerful tool for creating and sharing interactive data visualizations. But how can you collaborate with other developers on your Power BI projects and ensure quality and consistency across your reports? In this series of blog posts, I will show you how to integrate Power BI with Azure DevOps, a cloud-based software development and delivery platform. We can integrate Azure DevOps with Power BI Service (Fabric) as well as Power BI Desktop.
The current post explains how to set up Azure DevOps and connect a Power BI Workspace.
The next blog post will explain how to use it on your local machine to integrate your Power BI Desktop projects with Azure DevOps.

A brief history of source control systems

Before we dive into the details of Power BI and Azure DevOps integration, let’s take a moment to understand what source control systems are and why they are essential for any software project.

Source control systems, also known as version control systems or revision control systems, are tools that help developers manage the changes made to their code over time. They allow developers to track, compare, and roll back changes when necessary and collaborate with other developers on the same project.

There are two main types of source control systems: centralised and distributed. Centralised source control systems use Client-server approach to store all the code and its history in a single server, and developers need to connect to that server to access or modify the code. Examples of centralised source control systems are Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server (TFS) which rebranded to Azure DevOps Server in 2018, IBM’s ClearCase, and Apache’s Subversion.

On the other hand, distributed source control systems use a peer-to-peer approach, allowing each developer to have a local copy of the entire code repository, including its history. Developers can work offline and sync their changes with other developers through a remote server. Examples of distributed source control systems are Git Software and Mercurial, which takes us to the next section. Let’s see what Git is.

What is Git, and why use it?

Git is one of the world’s most popular and widely used distributed source control systems. It was created by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, in 2005. Git has many advantages over centralised source control systems, such as:

  • Speed: Git is fast and efficient, performing most operations locally without network access.
  • Scalability: Git can easily handle large and complex projects, as it does not depend on a single server.
  • Flexibility: Git supports various workflows and branching strategies, allowing developers to choose how they want to organise their code and collaborate with others.
  • Security: Git uses cryptographic hashes to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the code.
  • Open-source: Git is free and open-source, meaning anyone can use it, modify it, or contribute to it.

While Git is pretty good, it has some disadvantages compared with a centralised source control system. Here are some:

  • Complexity: Git has a steep learning curve, especially for users who are new to distributed version control systems. Understanding concepts such as branching, merging, rebasing, and resolving conflicts can be challenging for beginners and sometimes even seasoned Git users.
  • Collaboration challenges: While distributed version control systems like Git enable easy collaboration, they can also lead to collaboration issues. Multiple developers working on the same branch simultaneously may encounter conflicts that need to be resolved, which can introduce complexities and require extra effort.
  • Performance with large repositories: While Git performs pretty well on most operations, it can get abortive when working with large repositories containing many files or a long history of commits. Operations such as cloning or checking out large repositories can be time-consuming.

What is Azure DevOps, and what does it relate to Git?

Azure DevOps is Microsoft’s cloud-based platform providing a set of tools and services for software development. It encompasses a range of capabilities for managing, planning, developing, testing, and delivering software applications. Azure DevOps offers:

  • Azure Boards: A tool for planning, tracking, and managing work items, such as user stories, tasks, bugs, etc.
  • Azure Repos: A tool for hosting Git repositories online, which is the main focus of this blog post.
  • Azure Pipelines: A tool for automating builds, tests, and deployments.
  • Azure Test Plans: A tool for creating and running manual and automated tests.
  • Azure Artifacts: A tool for managing packages and dependencies.

Azure DevOps also integrates with other tools and platforms, such as GitHub, Visual Studio Code, and now, Power BI. This takes us to the next section of this blog post, Integrating Power BI with Azure DevOps.

How to integrate Power BI with Azure DevOps

Now that we understand what Git and Azure DevOps are let’s see how we can integrate Power BI with Azure DevOps.

Integrating Power BI with Azure DevOps has two different integrations. Cloud integration and local machine integration have the following requirements.


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:

  • In the cloud:
    • An Azure DevOps Service
    • A Power BI account with one of the following licenses to enable Power BI Workspace integration with Azure DevOps.:
      • Power BI PPU (Premium Per User)
      • Premium Capacity
      • Embedded Capacity (EM/A)
      • Fabric Capacity
  • On your local machine:
    • The latest version of Power BI Desktop (June 2023 or later)
    • Either Visual Studio or VS Code

As stated earlier, this post explains the Cloud integration partTherefore, we require to have an Azure DevOps Service and a Power BI account with a Premium licencing plan in order to integrate Power BI with Azure DevOps.

In the following few sections, we look into more details and go through them together step-by-step.

Continue reading “Integrating Power BI with AzureDevOps (Git), part 1: Cloud Integration”

Copilot for Power BI, What Does it Mean for Power BI Development?

Copilot for Power BI, What Does it Mean for Power BI Development?

AI and ML have come a long way in the past decade, transforming how we develop software and applications. One of the most impressive examples is OpenAI’s Codex, a system that can generate code from natural language descriptions. Codex powers Copilot, a tool that helps developers write better code faster and easier. In this blogpost I am going to express my opinion about this sophisticated technology and its integration with my favourite data platform, Power BI, well, I mean Microsoft Fabric.

What is Copilot, and how does it work?

Copilot is an AI-powered tool that provides suggestions for code completion and documentation as you type. It works as an extension for Visual Studio Code and GitHub Codespaces. Copilot can understand the context and intent of your code and generate relevant suggestions that match your coding style and best practices. You can accept, reject, or modify the suggestions as you wish.

Copilot in GitHub
Copilot in GitHub

Copilot is not just a code autocomplete tool. It can also help you write tests, implement new features, fix bugs, and learn new frameworks or languages. Copilot can even generate code from plain English comments or queries, such as “Create a function that adds two numbers” or “How do I sort a list in Python?”. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

How does Copilot integrate with Power BI?

Power BI is a powerful data analysis and visualisation platform that enables you to connect to various data sources, transform and model your data, create interactive reports and dashboards, and share your insights with others. Power BI also supports custom visuals and extensions that can enhance your data experience.

Continue reading “Copilot for Power BI, What Does it Mean for Power BI Development?”

Power BI Governance, What Organisations Need to Know

Power BI Governance Art Built by Bing Image Creator

In recent years, Power BI has become one of the most widely used business intelligence (BI) tools. Power BI is more than just a reporting tool; it is a comprehensive analytical platform that enables users to collaborate on data insights and share them internally and externally. In addition to creating reports and dashboards, Power BI allows users to collaborate and share their work with others. For instance, users can share dashboards with their colleagues, allowing them to view, interact, and engage with the data quickly. However, as more organisations adopt Power BI, it becomes essential to ensure appropriate governance processes, policies, and rules are in place. This blog post explains Power BI governance and why business owners need to be conscious of it.

Power BI governance refers to a set of processes, policies, and standards that organisations put in place to manage and control the use of Power BI. Governance is critical to ensure that the use of Power BI is aligned with the organisation’s objectives and strategy, complies with relevant regulations and standards, and protects sensitive data. Power BI governance encompasses several areas, including security, data management, compliance, and user management. It also involves defining data access, sharing, security, and compliance guidelines within Power BI. This includes defining roles and permissions for users, specifying approved data sources that can be used, and ensuring that the data is accurate, up-to-date, and secure across the organisation. In addition, Power BI governance involves monitoring and auditing the use of Power BI to ensure that it is being used appropriately and in compliance with the organisation’s policies. Lack of Power BI governance can impact businesses in various negative ways, so it is important that everyone within the organisation, especially the managerial teams, has a good understanding of how they can benefit from supporting the establishment of Power BI governance across the organisation. Here are some reasons:

  • Better decision-making
    With Power BI governance in place, organisations can ensure that the data used in decision-making is accurate, consistent, and trustworthy. This can help them make informed decisions based on reliable data insights.
  • Improved security and compliance
    Power BI governance helps to establish security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards. This helps to avoid costly data breaches and non-compliance penalties.
  • Efficient use of resources
    By establishing guidelines for roles and responsibilities, data access, sharing, and storage, Power BI governance can help organisations use their resources more efficiently. This can result in cost savings and improved productivity.
  • Enhanced collaboration
    Having Power BI governance policies help business owners to promote collaboration and communication among team members. This can result in improved teamwork and better outcomes for the organisation.
  • Better management and control
    Power BI governance helps organisations to manage and control the use of Power BI within the organisation. This can help them ensure that the tool is being used effectively and efficiently and that data is being used in a way that aligns with their business objectives.
Continue reading “Power BI Governance, What Organisations Need to Know”