Power BI Desktop Query Parameters, Part 1, Introduction

Power BI Query Parameters

One of the coolest features added to the April 2016 release of Power BI Desktop is “Query Parameters”. With Query Parameters we can now create parameters in Power BI Desktop and use them in various cases. For instance, we can now define a query referencing a parameter to retrieve different datasets. Or we can reference parameters via Filter Rows. Generally speaking we can reference parameters via:

  • Data Source
  • Filter Rows
  • Keep Rows
  • Remove Rows
  • Replace Rows

In addition, parameters can be loaded to the Data Model so that we can reference them from measures, calculated columns, calculated tables and report elements.

In “Power BI Desktop Query Parameters” series of articles I show you how to use Query Parameters in different scenarios.


In this article I’ll show you some use cases of Query Parameters based on some scenarios as below:

  1. Parameterising a Data Source
  2. Using Query Parameters in Filter Rows

You’ll learn more about Query Parameters in the next articles “Power BI Desktop Query Parameters, Part 2, SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking Use Case” and “Power BI Query Parameters, Part 3, List Output


You’ll require to meet the following requirements to be able to follow this post:

  1. The latest version of Power BI Desktop (Version: 2.34.4372.322 64-bit (April 2016) or later)

Note: As Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) is a new feature of SQL Server 2016 and it is not available in the previous versions of SQL Server you need to install the latest version of SQL Server 2016. So you will need SQL Server 2016 and Adventure Works CTP3 only if you want to use Query Parameters on top of Dynamic Data Masking (DDM).

Scenario 1: Parameterising a Data Source

Parameterising a Data Source could be used in many different use cases. From connecting to different data sources defined in Query Parameters to load different combinations of columns. To make it more clear I break down the scenario to some more specific use cases.

Use Case 1: Parameterising Data Source to Connect to Different Servers and Different Databases

Suppose you have different customers using the same database schema. But, the databases hosted in different instances of SQL Server and also the database names are different. With Query Parameters we can easily switch between different data sources then publish the reports to each customers’ Power BI Service.

  • Open Power BI Desktop
  • Click Get Data
  • Select “Blank Query” from “Other” then click “Connect”Power BI Desktop Create Blank Query
  • In Query Editor window click “Manage Parameters” from the ribbon

Continue reading “Power BI Desktop Query Parameters, Part 1, Introduction”

Querying SSRS Report Definition Using T-SQL

Do you want to have all reports that used a table in their report definition?

Are you looking for a report that has a desired parameter name?

Have you written a new version of a SQL view or stored procedure and you need to modify all the reports working on top of the version of the object, but, you don’t know what those reports are?

Have you modified an SSAS object and you need to know which reports might be affected?

If you have any of the above questions or in general you need to retrieve all SSRS reports which have a specific string in their report definition, just connect to the SQL Server instance which holds your   REPORTSERVER database through SSMS and simply execute the SQL scripts below:





            AND  C.TYPE = 2




Batch Index Rebuild without Using Cursor

Today I came across a cube processing performance issue with one of our clients. So I started a step-by-step troubleshooting including optimising named queries. In some cases the named queries were actually querying some SQL views from the source data warehouse.

After all, I created about 35 new indexes and I needed to justify that all of those indexes are really used. As I processed the faulty cube several times during my step-by-step troubleshooting process it seemed all of those indexes were used.

But, I knew that I created some indexes that covered by some of the new ones and those indexes won’t be used.

I needed to rebuild all the indexes, however, rebuilding all of those indexes from SSMS UI would be such a pain. So I needed to do a batch index rebuild.

So I googled and I’ve found some scripts which actually are doing the job, but, all of them were using cursors. Sadly, I hate cursors so they are the last item in my book. Indeed, I’ll never use cursors until it’s absolutely necessary and there is no other better choices.

Therefore, I decided to do it in my way and I wrote the following script. I thought I’d be happy to share it with you guys as it might help some of you as well.

declare @ix varchar(max), @tbl varchar(max), @counter int, @CustomIx Varchar(max)

declare @table table (id int, tbl varchar(max), ix varchar(max))

set @CustomIx = ‘YOUR_INDEX_NAME_STARS_WITH’ –Custom index name will be like MY_IX_***

insert into @table (id, tbl, ix)

SELECT   ROW_NUMBER() over (order by ix.[NAME]) id

           , OBJECT_NAME(ixstat.[OBJECT_ID]) AS [OBJECT NAME]

         , ix.[NAME] AS [INDEX NAME]



           ON ix.[OBJECT_ID] = ixstat.[OBJECT_ID]

              AND ix.INDEX_ID = ixstat.INDEX_ID

WHERE    OBJECTPROPERTY(ixstat.[OBJECT_ID],‘IsUserTable’) = 1

          and  ix.[NAME] like @CustomIx+‘%’


set @counter= (select max(id) from @table)


while @counter >=1


    set @ix = (select ix from @table where id = @counter)

    set @tbl = (select tbl from @table where id = @counter)

    exec(‘ALTER INDEX ‘+@ix+‘ ON [dbo].[‘+@tbl+‘] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL ‘)

    print @tbl + ‘.’ +  @ix + ‘ Rebuild successful’

    set @counter-=1


Continue reading “Batch Index Rebuild without Using Cursor”

Browsing Cubes Remotely from Excel Trough a VPN Connection without Using Windows Authentication

Technically when you connect to another network through a VPN connection you can see all allowed machines on that network. So it is easy to connect to a SQL Server instance using SQL Server authentication. However, I’m explaining this part for some of you guys that might be new to connecting from Excel directly to a database on SQL Server and create flashy reports on Excel.

But, what about connecting directly from Excel to a remote Analysis Services instance without using Windows Authentication? You’re right! I’m saying you can connect directly from your own Excel to a remote SSAS server without using windows authentication. Well, technically there is no SQL Server Authentication mode available for Analysis Services. So what does that actually mean when I say “without using windows authentication”? If you’re interested in finding the answer keep reading this article.


You’re working as a BI consultant, you’ve been told that a client needs to have some simple reports on Excel as follows:

·         You should connect to the client’s server using a provided VPN connection

·         The VPN connection could be established through a Windows VPN, Cisco VPN etc. so the VPN client or the port and protocol used don’t actually matter

·         Microsoft Excel is NOT installed on the client’s server

·         You’re NOT allowed to install Excel on the server

·         As it is a costly process the client will not setup a virtual machine in their network so that you can remotely connect to it and install Excel then connect to their SQL Server/Analysis Services instances

·         There is no trust relationship between your network and the client’s network, so your domain user name and password could not be authenticated on the client’s network

·         The client needs to have some reports on Excel on top of a SQL Server database and OLAP cubes on Analysis Services (SSAS)

·         You have the right to run an application as administrator on the remote server

·         You need to connect to the remote server directly from your own Microsoft Excel installed on your machine

·         The client also provided a remote desktop access to the server

·         On the remote desktop SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is installed

·         In the remote SQL Server your account is a member of the “securityadmin” server role so you can create a new SQL Server Login

Continue reading “Browsing Cubes Remotely from Excel Trough a VPN Connection without Using Windows Authentication”